Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West

When I found out that these two were a couple, I was very happy. I love Kanye West and I like Kim too because she is a good fashion designer. I definately bashed her name when I found out she and Kris Humphries were getting a divorce only after 72 days of marriage. I thought it was unfair that so much money was spent on a "fake marriage". I knew it wasn't going to last long, because Kris is young and he is more focused on his basketball career. Kanye will appear on the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but Kim said ,"I will not be taking bubble baths with Kanye on television." I am glad that she is deciding to keep her relationship away from television, unlike her sister Khloe. I believe that is the reason why Khloe decided to cancel the show, because it was interferring with her relationship. I hope Kim and Kanye find happiness and that they actually date each other for awhile, before possibly getting married.

What Has Influenced Me?

I would say that death has influenced me to hold on to the people that are still living and to make sure that every moment with them counts. After the death of my dad six years ago, I became closed off by not letting anyone get near me or express the feelings I had inside. Eventually, I learned that I couldn't hold bottle up my feelings any longer. Since doing so, I have become a healthier person and I actually spend time with my friends instead of sitting at home. I had a falling out with one of my good friends from high school and it sucked because she and I used to be really close. This time, I could prevent the worse from happening and I started to reach out to her even when she probably didn't want to hear from me. Now her and I are a lot closer. This weekend we are going out to celebrate her 19th birthday and I am so grateful that I still have her in my life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Texas Here I Come!

Over the summer, my mom and I are traveling to San Antonio, Texas to visit my aunt. She has been begging for us to visit and now it is the perfect time. I don't think this vacation will be as exciting as the one I took to Michigan and Cedar Point, but I believe traveling anywhere outside of Belleville is good. I am slightly nervous about traveling there because my mom and I will be on an Amtrak train instead of on the road. I have never been on an airplane before, but one day I will travel on one for my next vacation. I heard that it can get really hot in Texas, so I am afraid that I will melt if I try going outside. I will be staying there for a few weeks, which means I will have tons of time to shop and take pictures. One thing that I do not look forward to doing in Texas is eating any of their candy. My aunt brought a lollipop from Texas a few years ago and suggested that I try it. She told me that it was spicy and hott, but my taste buds were not prepared. After one lick, I couldn't take it anymore and was more than happy to toss the sucker into the trash.

Where Are My Comments?!?

I have been commenting on like every blog post that I found interesting but when I click "publish comment" button, I was not able to see the post I just made. I have no idea what is going on but I do not like it! It seems that I can comment on my own blog posts, but for some reason not others. :(

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Club 15 Experience

This past weekend, my best friend and I decided to go out to a club in St. Louis. Lexi was used to going out to the club with her boyfriend and now that we were both single and needed to have fun. Earlier in the day, there was a huge hail storm that caused a lot of damage and even killed someone in St. Louis. After hearing what happened, I wasn't sure if I still wanted to go since I was going to be the one driving really late at night to a place I've never been to. I knew I was probably going to get lost, but I didn't think I was going to get lost six times. I even went the wrong way on a one-way street. Lexi and I finally arrived to the club around 12am. We were both just standing around observing everyone at first, but as time progressed we began to loosen up. There was an open bar and of course a few people got a little drunk. It was somewhat funny when I saw someone drunk trying to dance, but it was so funny when I saw a man puking on himself. Overall, the club was pretty cool. It is definitely not something that I would do every weekend, but it was fun.

Stress of Finals

Finals started this week, I had my math and social pysch final today. Unfortunately, I waited until last minute to sit down and study for both, so I ended up going to bed last night at 3am. This morning I woke up to my alarm going off at 6:30, but I didn't roll out of bed until after 7am. I ended up almost being late to my first final, because I tried cramming info before getting ready. After taking my liberal arts final, I walked out of the room feeling pretty confident that I did my best on it. Thankfully, our teacher allowed us to have a notecard to use on the final. I didn't feel so confident about my social pysch final after finishing. Psychology is a really hard class, expecially when your teacher bases the exams on what was in the textbook more than what was talked about in class. I only read one of the chapters that the exam was over, so I'm pretty sure I didn't do so good. All I know is that I have at least a high C in that class, which is good enough for me. I'm so glad that I only have one more test left to take and a presentation for English left. I am ready for summer to get here! Good luck everyone on finals and make sure you eat breakfast before taking your final.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Am I Ugly? Videos

I read an article on Yahoo about young girls posting videos of themselves on YouTube asking the world if they were ugly or not? I watched a video of one girl saying that kids pick on her because she has a large forehead and that she can’t get the boy she likes to show her some interest. The article talked about how some comments gave advice by saying that the girl was pretty and that she just needs to focus on school. Other comments that I read weren’t so nice. I think that these girls need to develop self-confidence and not try to seek out approval of strangers because there’s always going to be someone out there in the world who doesn’t find you attractive.